What I am about to say may shock you, but I am not writing about Heroes this time. I just saw the movie Eat. Pray. Love.. To my surprise, I thought it was fantastic. It was beautifully composed and completely inspirational. I'm not saying that I am going to pick up and leave for Italy anytime soon, although that may be due to lack of funds. It has inspired me to want to see the world, though, even if that just means the world around me. I want to go outside and hear it, see it, touch it, live it. I have cooped myself up inside for so long, I have desensitized myself and I hadn't even realized it.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that television, movies, and computers aren't a way to live your life. In the movie I watched, Julia Roberts' character visited places where the people that lived there gathered in the streets and marketplaces. There was music and laughter and joy--there was a sense of community and love. People were not afraid to talk to a stranger they saw on the sidewalk. They weren't in a rush to get to their next destination. They were just living. I want that. I want to see that.
Where I am from, it is as if everyone has forgotten how to live. Not in the physical sense, obviously, but in all other senses. People are so busy with their own personal lives to open up their eyes and see people and the world around them. It just seems so sad. Sure, I see people out walking their dogs or going for a run, but not many. People go outside when they can fit it into their busy schedules. Everyone hides in their houses and offices. They go out to eat and go shopping, sure, but afterward it is right back home. I just don't feel life should be that way.
I can't change people, that's for sure. What I really want to be able to do right now is eat something I bought fresh at a marketplace while walking down the street. I want to hear laughter and music. I want to see kids playing. I want to feel life and I want everyone else to feel it too.